A resource for disabled dogs and their owners
Today we meet Billie and talk about life with George the Weimaraner. George suffered from a fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) in October 2016 and became paralyzed in all four legs. Billie tells us about their daily routine and how they manage a large, paralyzed dog.
Could you tell us about your daily routine caring for a paralyzed dog?
George sleeps with us at night. First thing in the morning we suit George up in his Help'em Up harness and out the door we go to do his business. George can not get up by himself and we need to keep a hold of the harness because sometimes he has some missteps.
We work outside of the home, so there are several stops by the house during the day to turn him and take him out for potty breaks. If we have to stay away from the house longer than 4 hours we have family members that stop by the house for George duty. What products would you recommend to someone else caring for a paralyzed dog?
I can't recommend the Help'em Up harness enough. It's a life saver and built super tough. We are a year and a half in on ours and still going strong.
Have you tried any rehabilitation or treatment for George?
Within three weeks we started laser and hydro treadmill. We continued this twice a week for the first 6 months. We also have done acupuncture.
What advice would you offer to someone with a paralyzed dog?
First, don't give up. The first two months were the worst. Take the lead from your dog. They will let you know what they need.
Follow George's journey on Instagram.
1 Comment
4/4/2018 10:45:48 pm
You are an amazing family. Your love and care for George is honored!!
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